The deck is a very simple challenge deck. The key is to only play the companions as and when you need them, or can varsity train them, with the exception of Lily. With Lily in play the deck can acheive 10 destiny in no time at all.
All but one of the challenges, a soul's revenge, are possible for Buffy to do on her own, tho I wouldn't recommend it!
There is the usual board disruption, other cemetary, history museum, etc to help slow the opponent, but most of the time the deck does't need to worry about the opponent. The exception being fight decks, for which there are defences;
The Look, cross, buffy's ability, with confrontation, hair flips etc are all for these purposes.
A moment of true bliss is included for two reasons, extra destiny if your Angel is in play, (don't worry, he isn't needed for the challenges..) and to make your opponents Angel useless if in play before your own.
Will you go to the dance x2 will be added upon arrival, replacing Inside Joke and Trans-possesion.
Essence Buffy
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Characters Buffy Lvl 1 (AC) Willow Lvl 1 Angel Lvl 1 (PP) Giles Lvl 1 Amy Madison x2 Cordelia x2 Lily x2 Owen Thurman x2 Oz Xander
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Revised 29-June-2002