Giles Starter Deck

"All right, I'll just drop in my time machine, go back to the twelfth century, and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while you take in dinner and a show". - Giles, Season One: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date.

61 Xander [U]
73 The Three [U]
76 Dr. Gregory [U]
77 Joyce Summers [U]
78 Coach Herrold [U]
81 Hank Summers [U]
82 Blayne Mall [U]
83 Amber Grove [U]
148 Buffy Summers [R - First Patrol]
186 Buffy Summers [P - First Patrol]
187 Rupert Giles [P]
191 Spike [P - First Patrol]

193 Buffy Summers [P - First Patrol]
194 Giles [P]
199 Spike [P - First Patrol]

25 Animal Intensity [C] X 2
26 Varsity Training [C] X 2
95 Watcher training [U]
102 Demonology 101 [U]

Evil Challenges
49 Festival of Saint Vigeous [U]

Good Challenges
8 On Patrol [C]
9 A Quick Jaunt to the Funeral Home [C]
10 Cheerleader Tryouts [C]
11 Oh, May Queen [C]
13 A Dead Cheerleader is a Good Cheerleader [C]
14 You Can Trust the Technopagan [C]
55 Parent Teacher Night [U]

29 Number 1 Alternate [C]
31 Priority Check [C]
32 Two Gun Woo [C]
34 Demon Theory [C]
35 Feast On Virgins [C]
36 Overhand Toss [C] X 2
38 My Spider Sense Is Tingling [C]
39 Aaack! Spiders! [C]
40 The CPR Thing [C]
41 Watch Zebras Mating [C]
42 Not Prepared For Farrah Hair [C]
43 Bow before the Idiot Box [C]
44 Thrown to the Hyenas [C]
45 Hit the Streets [C]
46 The Old Madison Body-Switch [U]
122 Vampire Embrace [U]
126 I Quit [U]
127 Computer Invasion [U]
134 Offer of Ugly Death [U]

27 Electrical Tunnels Schematic [C] X 2
28 Empty Puppet Case [C] X 2
107 Stake & Crossbow [U]
111 Fire Axe [U]

[C] = Common
[U] = Uncommon
[R] = Rare
[UR] = Ultra Rare
[P] = Personality
[First Patrol] = Starter only, non tournament legal cards.

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Email the webmaster any additions, corrections or dead links.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM & © 2001 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Buffy the Vampire Slayer CCG All Rights Reserved © 2001 Score. This site is not official and is not authorized by Fox or Score

Revised 17-March-2002