"Prey On The Weak" Deck

"Well, it's not really the kind of message you tell. It sort of involves finding the bodies of all your friends". - Angelus, Season Two: Innocence.

"Prey On The Weak" based on Angelus

By Webmaster

This deck was build to try out while I was in Austin, Tx for a week in April. Played four and won four against three different decks. Basically it's a fighting deck with BK and W based challenges if needed to finish off the game. Get into the Park early (if you want a Park win) and force opponents to try and chase you out, thus making them fodder for fights and (hopefully) easy points.

Attacking Heros with Angelus can get you 3 points a fight if you use "Demon Theory". Use "Sunnydale School Lawn" to pull minor characters over to eat (then maybe swap them with a Hero using "The Old Madison Body-Switch" for a more tasty meal). Plenty of challege interference cards to slow other decks down.

Playing the "Death" early can make things really interesting as all supporting characters go to the crypt (no more opponents cycling through their decks to get their characters back hehehe).


Pergamum Prophecy
Young Frankenstein
From the Ashes of Five Dead
Welcome to the Harvest
Reviving the Master
Festival of Saint Vigeous

Locations- In order of preference
Sunnydale School Lawn
Natural Hostory Museum
Vampire Mansion
Lair of the Master
Sunnydale City Morgue

Angelus L1
Angelus L2
Drusila L1
Spike L1
The Master L1
The Master L2
Andrew Borba
Gill Monster
The Three

Animal Intensity X 3
Fast Pace X 2
Gone Binary X 2
Real Literary-Like
Watcher Training X 2

Manacles X 2
Pergamum Codex
Quarterstaff X 2
Ring of Prophecy X 2
Spike's Car
Stake and Crossbow X 2

Blind Panic X 3
Circle of Kayless
Computer Threat
Demon Theory X 3
Grounded X 2
Hide Until It Goes Away
No More Soul X 3
Oh, The "Other" Cemetery X 3
Run Fast
Testoterone X 3
Total Lecture Overload X 2
The Old Madison Body-Switch X 3

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Revised 28-April-2002