Angel's Curse
"It must just eat you up that I got there first." - Angelus, Season Two: Killed by Death.
Checklist with images.
Checklist by card type with images.
Dave/dgjedi's card spoilers for Pergamum Prophesy, Angel's Curse and Class of '99.
Preview 1: Forceful Persuasion [C]
Preview 2: Home Again [U]
Preview 3: Lily [R]
P1: My Bloody Valentine: Evil Challege: Card Commissary.
P2: Octarus: Character - level 1: SCORE Convention Attendence
P3: Whistler: Character - level 1: December 2002 tournaments
P4: Rupert's Pad: Location : Patrol (sanctioned tournaments) only
P5: Everyday Vamp Hijinks: Skill: Scrye Magazine #53 Sept 2002
P6: Mark of Eyghon: Item: September Consumer Newsletter
P7: Full Moon: Event: Patrols (sanctioned tournaments) only
P8: Attack of the Stunt Doubles: Action: Inquest Gamer #88 (August 2002)
P9: Candy Tactics: Action: June Consumer Newsletter
P10: To Be Continued�: Action: May Consumer Newsletter
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Email the web_master any
additions, corrections or dead links.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM & © 2001 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Buffy the Vampire Slayer CCG All Rights Reserved © 2001 Score. This site is not official and is not authorized by Fox or Score
Revised 1-March-2003